Alvars, Andal or Goda biography I Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati Thakut biography I Bhaktivinod Thakur biography I Biography of 1000 gaudiya vaishnavas I Biography of Gaudiya Math devotees I Biography of other devotees I Gandhi I Gaudia vaishnava jivana - biography I ISKCON vaisnavas biographies I Madhvacarya biography I Other biographies I Ramanujacarya I Sankaracarya biography I Srila Prabhupada biography I Visnujana and Radha Damodar
This web site attempts to brief the readers about the sublime history and transcendental biographies of saints in this rich Vaishnava tradition.
On this page download many biography books and articles written from previous and contemporary vaishnava saints, most in line coming from Gaudiya-Vaishnava-sampradaya. This library is founded solely for inspiration and satisfaction of all devotees.