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If you want to donate regularly and do not want to enter your credit card details again the next time, then it will be very convenient to register a Paypal account and enter your credit card information to activate it. You can then use your Paypal to directly donate just by entering your username and password.
We encourage you to set up automatic monthly donations using either paypal / credit card.
Help us to propagate Indian culture, religions, philosophy, temples, dance, music, vedic architecture, vegetarian food and many other wanderful things.
Radha Sevak - Donate $51 Monthly | |
Krishna Sevak - Donate $25 Monthly | |
Caitanya Sevak - Donate $11 Monthly | |
Prabhupada Sevak - Donate one time any amount |
For Bank transfer:
Bank address:
Československá obchodní banka a.s.
Era Finanční centrum
Josefa Václava Sládka 2177
73801 Frýdek-Místek
Czech Republic
Bank account nr.: 238790655/0300
IBAN: CZ57 0300 0000 0002 3879 0655
My address:
Radomír Vlk
Kunčičky u Bašky 476
73901 Baška
List of donors: Last update July, 2014
Radha Sevaks ($51): |
Krishna Sevaks ($25): |
Caitanya Sevaks ($11): |
Srila Prabhupada Sevak |
Anonymus |
Girisha Sonia |
Barbara Corela |
- Jan Schulski 10,-USD |
Why donate?
This website is developed and maintained by voluntary donations of same ISKCON devotees. We sincerely appeal to you to donate generously. We need donations for maintainance of domain name, hosting, programmer and computer eguipment. Only this way we can keep this web site and enlarge.
Thank you very very much.